Published in Cunning Folk Magazine: The Air Issue May 2022. A story from the Upāṇiṣads about the importance of prāṇa, and a metaphor about the cyclical nature of breath.
The Art of Yoga
Published in Spectrum Magazine, Summer 2021 p24–28. A short reflection on my dual heritage, my interest in painting and the background to the my watercolour series of Krishnacharya practising āsana
Embodying the Yoga Sūtra
J Brown talks to Ranju and Dave about how they decided on the eighteen sutras they used in the book, yoga as relationship, what the organizing principles of support-direction-space are referring to, and the practical application of yoga to facilitate positive change.
Embodying the Yoga Sūtra
Focusing on 18 of the most important sutra, Ranju Roy and David Charlton show how each illuminates the relationship between body, breath and mind in a practical, clear and contemporary manner, and developed into ideas for practice using three key terms: support, direction and space.
Why Embody the Yoga Sūtra?
Dave and Ranju discuss their book Embodying the Yoga Sūtra with Daniel Simpson – former journalist and now yoga scholar. He asks challenging questions about authenticity, the ‘real’ meaning of the Yoga Sūtra and our aims in writing the book
Seeing Desikachar
AYS Journal Feb 2014 pp2-7. Reflections on my meetings with Desikachar, his influence and his legacy
The Yoga of Observation: part 2
Developing the idea of observation as meditation to observation as profound empathy which changes both the viewer and the viewed
The Yoga of Observation: part 1
Exploring how observation for a yoga teacher can be a form of meditation
A short consideration of niyama following studies and discussion with Peter Hersnack